Snuggle decides to be a Lymphodema Therapist. Snuggle found an office and made it official.
Snuggle explored the office, he almost fell into the trash can, but caught himself just in time, which is good because doctors aren't supposed to be dirty.
Snuggle showed his first patient how to use a therapy ball.
Snuggle squirted some therapy spray to help the patient. He actually got it right where he should have. Snuggle is an awesome therapist.
Snuggle's next patient needed some tape. Because she sprained her leg.
Some tape was easier to get than others. Snuggle had a hard time getting it off the table.
Snuggle taped the leg up tight and showed his patient how to put it on herself.
Snuggle demonstrated how to use crutches but forgot that you need two crutches and maybe longer legs. Snuggle loves being a therapist.
Snuggle had a great day as a Lymphadema Therapist but tripped into a plant on his way out. He was so mad that he chomped on the plant and security kicked him out of the building.